Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh, cookie scooper! How I need thee!

Each time I attempt to make cookies I now bemoan my separation from my ...beloved... cookie scooper. Friends assure me that I can live without one, but no. They just don't understand the depth of my devotion for said utensil. I may survive without a silpat mat, but I cannot live without a cookie scooper (said in tones of Anne Shirley, "I cannot imagine my red hair away!). I mean, look at them. They're perfect! And I'm not just referring to their choca-chunk goodness. 

Here's a tip. Make cookies for on-demand batches. This way you can make four cookies, or even forty, because they're already individual cookies just raring to go. Like so:

Step 1, make cookie dough. 

Step 2, using trusty-scooper, dollop a few dozen dough balls onto a pan. (On parchment paper if you can, to prevent sticking).  
Step 3, put the pan in the freezer until the dough balls are hard. 

Step 4, re-locate dough balls into ziplocs to freezerize until the mood strikes to bake a few. 

Voila! Now do you understand why I need one? No. You probably don't. But I must have one. I must! And I shall. My mischievous plot to get one is already underway... mwahaha.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I just bought three tubs of cookie dough from the daughter of one of my coworkers for her fundraiser. (I know, homemade is better, but it was for a kid's fundraiser! I always had such a tough time selling when I was younger, so I try to help out when I can. Plus, well... now I'll have ready-made raw cookie dough to eat when I get a craving!)