Thursday, March 5, 2009

NO. It can't be. Impossible!

While discussing my reluctance to consume certain foods at dinner (usually the dreaded and disgusting fresh tomatoes) my parents and siblings would insist that I'd learn to like things -- or worse -- say that when I was older things would taste different. Wrong! I'd say. Wrong! I emphatically insist that nothing could possibly change the way things taste. At least, I used to insist that.

To my great astonishment I have learned to enjoy... salad.

I know, I know-- you're thinking who is this girl and what happened to Rachel? But I have recently learnt (at the urgings of Matt and Heather especially) that Caesar salad is actually edible and can be quite tasty. I had some in February and *gasp* it was really good. Really really good. I actually found myself rationing my serving so that it would last all through dinner.

And today. I... had a craving for it. I guess I've finally lost my senses; I, Rachel EM, love Caesar salad. And fresh spinach. Rest assured however, that I continue to detest both fresh tomatoes and cucumbers soaked in vinegar. They are revolting, and will continue to be until the day I die. Nothing will sway me on this point. ...that is all.


Alicia said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Ceasar salad is one of the good ones! A little crunchy bacon on top is delightful!

Glad to see you expanding your horizons. :)

Joni said...

Ah - ha - ha- ha - ha!


BTW: To submit this, I have to type "saten" in as word verification. That made me laugh some more.

Rachel EM said...

Don't worry, Jones. I still don't like your CafeRio salad. Yick!