Friday, April 17, 2009

A Rachel Review

Miss Potter is the life story of Beatrix Potter, the famous authoress of children's stories, notably that of "Peter Rabbit." Drama, 2007. 

Key Descriptors: Sentimental, moving, whimsical. A view into the Victorian world, almost made me cry, historically accurate, perfect costumes, idyllic soundtrack, and an overall win. 

Soundtrack:  Nigel Westlake, a composer hitherto unfamiliar to me has a style similar to Rachel Portman. The best surprise of the movie was his use of the Victorian song "Let Me Teach You How to Dance." 4 stars. 

Rachel's Review: Miss Potter  is drama at its best. I found it heart felt, thought provoking, and an overall win. What else can I say?  100 more reasons (as if we needed them) to love Ewan McGregor. Despite my usual prejudice against her acting, I found Renee Zellweger well cast and delightful. Cinematographers captured the Lake District of England very well, and the film's use of color was superb.

I highly recommend Miss Potter to everyone in my family, and anyone with taste. 

Best quotes: 
"Are you skulking?"
"I did not imagine them, they're quite real. They're my friends."
"Miss Wiggin is fallible?"
"Bedtime, my young reprobates!"
"You have something to confide? How delicious."
...and the way Ewan says "thank you." 


Rachel EM said...

Oh yeah-- BEST SCENE:

"Simply place your hand in mine
and then think of nothing more.
Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance--
Follow where I lead
and I'll teach you how to dance."

I hereby take back any negative comment I've made about Ewan's singing ability. Divinity!

MomM said...

Sounds like the ultimate chick-flick!

MomM said... the have to stop this too EARLY drama stuff. GO TO SLEEP GERALD!

Rachel EM said...

Um, Mom? FINALS. Besides which-- no this isn't the ultimate chick flick. It's a DRAMA through and through... romance is secondary in this case.

Joni said...

Hehe. Rachel, your comment about the soundtrack and his style being similar to Rachel Portman's made me laugh as she was a collaborator on the soundtrack and wrote about half of it ;) So if it sounds like her (re: the carriage ride through the park) it probably is. If it sounds unique then it's probably not. Lol.

Alicia said...

Yeah, it's a good movie, but I don't know if I'd watch more than's a little sad!

shelly said...

I've really wanted to seet this movie -- I'm going to, for sure now. Thanks, Rachel! (Love your movie reviews, by the way.)

shelly said...

I mean "see", not "seet". Not sure what it means to seet a movie:)