Sunday, April 19, 2009

Girls at Galilee

About half of the girls from my study abroad in Jerusalem, Galilee eastern shore. 

Thank heaven for photographs. This reveals a camaraderie my memory delights to recall.Here's the story. Everyone who was on the beach got pulled into the "girls only" picture. We were all in such a good mood, smiling just came naturally.  Everything was peaceful, and we had no ill concerns. I look at this picture and remember what real happiness feels like. 

I also remember that we started laughing because two of our boys were running at lightning speed to try and shove their way into the snapshot; we rushed to take the picture before they could squeeze in.

What a time that was! The months I spent with these girls will be part of my "days never to be forgotten."


Unknown said...

Long ago, it must be...I have a photograph
Preserve your memories...they're all that's left you!
Aren't we grateful for "eyes to see"?

Rachel EM said...

I KNEW you were going to quote Bookends.