Thursday, June 18, 2009

My darling, my honey, my ragtime gal

I never leave home without her. Here she is; the baby I call, "Trident blue."

I always have some with me. No, really. I do. I get my supply from Costco. Yeah, I buy this stuff in bulk. For the last two years I've had multiple packs of gum on hand (I took a whole case with me to Jerusalem, and everyone wanted some), and you can bet I intend to continue this practice. For reasons of both hygiene, and practicality.

Did you know that "the physical action of chewing Trident sugar-free gums for 20 minutes after eating stimulates saliva flow, which helps to prevent cavities by reducing plaque acids and strengthening teeth"? My family and I inherited some nasty enamel-- thanks, Dad--and believe it or not, chewing this stuff has reduced the amount of dental work needed for some of us. There is a noticeable difference between the smoothness of my teeth when I've been chewing blue, and when I've just sat around. Nifty, eh?

And who doesn't love the minty freshness of gum in their mouth? (Or in your neighbor's mouth for that matter.)


Matt said...

The Xylitol helps too.

Alicia said...

Love Trident!