Monday, June 29, 2009

Lagoon Day

I don't know why I bother, since no one appears to read this anyway, but on the off chance that my Mom will still see this-- there is a purpose! Thank you, Mother, you're the only one who loves me... aha aha. Well, Mom, and Arnie the All-ee-gay-tohr, but not the point. 

The point is that I spent all day Friday with some friends at Lagoon (Utah's one and only theme park). See, Utah doesn't need more theme parks than that cause we have more national parks than any other state--so there. Anyway. Yeah. Lagoon! 

There's a ride there called "Wicked" that is definitely a trip. (See pictures above.)  It only lasts a minute because it's really really fast, but the tower is 110 ft tall and you kind of can't breathe even after you stop moving. I was still shaking from adrenaline for two minutes after my feet were on the ground again, which was kind of frightening on its own since the next ride Kasey and Mike dragged me on was ...dun dun dun... 

SKYCOASTER. Yeah. You know that archway thing people harness themselves to with the little wire that pulls them 150 ft in the air and then drops them to hurtle toward the ground at (believe me on this, I did the research) 50--80 mph? (A cheetah can only run 45 mph, so yeah, this is fast.) Yes, that Skycoaster. 

I can personally verify that the drop, while gleeful after a point, is sheer terror to begin with. During the ascent I was so freaked out that I started to ramble off ingredients to cheesecake and buttermilk-biscuits just to keep my mind off the ground falling away beneath my feet. That was a surprise defense mechanism that I didn't know I'd rely on-- but hey, whatever works. And! Wanna know what I didn't expect? That there is slack in the line for the first 60 feet of falling *gah!* during which your "controlled" plummet is a NOSE DIVE. 

--insert bloodcurdling scream--

--truly believe that your ultimate demise could be seconds away--

--nope, still screaming--

--feel tension come back into the line again, take a breath, scream some more--

--hurtle forward instead of down--

ahhhhhhhhhhnd NOW begin to enjoy yourself. 

In sum, Lagoon was fun. Completely wonderful, actually. Even considering that I was the only one who got soaked during Rattlesnake rapids, that it was pouring rain while we were on the top of the WildMouse ride (Kasey and I really thought we could slip off and die during those hairpin turns), and that I actually was frightened inside the campy-predictable-haunted-castle ride.... 

it was completely wonderful. 

And you know what? I've decided that no matter how awesome any roller coasters may be, none will ever be more enjoyable than the swings. 



Unknown said...

It is just as we discussed...any experience with dear friends is AWESOME..even blood-curdling ones! Glad you had a blast. is to be enjoyed, not just endured! (Thank-you President Hinckley!) Love you...see you soon!

Bill said...

*ahem* I have been a faithful reader of your blog since I discovered it THANK... you very much! AND I comment fairly regularly, so you can't claim ignorance of this fact. So there. :-p

Alicia said...

Amen to the swings! Nobody else seems to remember them! Love roller coasters to death (most of them), but the swings take the cake. :) Maybe that should be the theme for your next cake creation...the swing ride at Lagoon. Hey, maybe you could call that Ace of Cakes show when you're done and have a segment on one of his episodes. :)