Monday, July 13, 2009

THAT'S different.

AHAHAHA HAHAHA HAAAAA HAHAHA! Whoaaaaaaa. That takes my favorite fairy tale just slightly over the edge of the horror that defies description. Yeesh.

Still, my research indicates that (for me at least, with my incredibly peculiar movie interests) that this Czech/German production is worth watching. And before you all cringe and shake your heads in disgust, let me remind you that I grew up watching a grown man dancing about in a frog suit and green makeup; could anything be as ridiculous as that? Again, I say that this sparks my interest. During the ballroom scene the prince (pre-frogness) says to the girl,

"No matter what happens, I will always come back to you. I give you my word."

I'll bet she wasn't thinking that he'd show up as a particularly warty, giant frog stalking her bedroom chanting "gudnachtkuss."

500 points to any individual who finds a way for me to watch this movie in its entirety. 600 points if you can find it with subtitles.


Unknown said...

EEWWWW! Why bother seeing the full show???

Rachel EM said...

Cha! German Prince dude. You should see the moment when he MEETS the princess. Hellooooooo non-verbal intensity. And did you miss what he tells her?

"No matter what happens, I will always come back to you. I give you my word."

ANY movie with that in it is worth a screening. :)