Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have this thing for cranberries

Ask Dylan what my favorite thing to drink is, and he'll probably say "raz-cran" or "cran-raz," which are two separate drinks. "Raz-cran" is raspberry-cranberry juice from concentrate that I buy at the grocery store and hoard in my freezer. "Cran-raz" is short for "Cran-apple-raz" MinuteMaid bottles of juice that I buy on campus when I'm having a bad day.

I love all things cranberrry: bread, muffins, tarts, juices, fillings, beverages, sherbet, heck-- I even love the color and the band.

But king of them all is the beloved cranberry sauce. I usually will eat two whole cups of it over Thanksgiving, just with a spoon. And lucky me, I've already purchased a bag of fresh cranberries to transform into the delectable stuff. Mwahahahahhahaha! It's gonna be good. Especially since it's MINE! MINE, ALL MINE!*

*"you can't have any, you're too young."


Julie Wilding said...

My best friend is decorating her Christmas tree this year with strings of cranberries. I feel that you should do this too.


Rachel EM said...

I've always wanted to do that! If I had time to decorate my own Christmas tree this year, I would.

Unknown said...

They have HUGE bags at Costco in Texas...Thought of you! Maybe I'll have to bring you one in December! HA!