Monday, November 23, 2009

17 Days of Hectic-Near-Misery

Panic! There's too much to do! I'm swamped!

I still have 25 days left before I get married, but I'm only worried about the next 17. 

I almost lost it today because I thought I'd taken care of everything and that I'd be able to do everything on my list when au contraire, something that I thought wasn't needed until tomorrow, was due immediately. I about fainted. And of course, since when I'm concentrating hard I wear a look that could burn holes into concrete, people thought I was really really angry. Sweet, patient Dylan thought I was mad at him, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Oy vey.

I am a genuinely sweet and caring person; it's a quite obvious fact to everyone I interact with. Until I have a deadline. Then I turn into stay-out-of-her-path-and-don't-speak-for-fear-of-instant-undeserved-cruelty-woman.  Sigh. I really do need to work on my tendency to snap at people during crunch time, or I may just end up murdering my future children. 

I probably would have snapped this afternoon after clogging, but by some grand mercy of the ever-benevolent God, when I walked into the locker room to drop off my clogs four separate people said things like "Rachel! It's so good to see you!" and "hey sunshine, I love you to pieces," "thanks for being so nice to me," "it's good to see you," etc. Those dear angels softened my heart (and my facial expression) and when I walked back into the hallway I felt a bit more cheerful. 

The next 17 days will pass, still leaving me intact. "Right? Of course right." Luckily there's a bunch of good stuff in those 17 days too, and I have so many good friends in my life that undoubtedly-- I'll have no choice but to smile.  Right? Oh please, please, please let that be true....

P.S. I do just want to laugh everytime somebody says they want to take me out to lunch. "When are you free?" they ask. My answer? "January."


Unknown said...

One minute and one hour at a time! You can do it! See you soon!

Alicia said...

Well, I'll be there for some of those 17 days and I hope that cheers you. :)