Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bed Cravings

Robin egg blue bed found by RoomLust

While on the subject of expense, I would like to scream a few words. Ahem. CHEAP BED FRAMES ARE TOO EXPENSIVE TO BE SO UGLY! There, now. I feel much better.

Thankfully, the alternative is to make my own. Plywood, 2" foam, batting, fabric, some nails, covered buttons, a'couple hours of work, a good staple gun, and voila: the classiest, coziest, squishiest, I-want-to-sleep-there bed you've ever seen. It's the DIY trend, apparently. Hopefully I can pull it off. Of course, it would be a lot easier if... a certain someone... would perhaps... help? (Please, Mom?)


Unknown said...

The buttons may cause a problem...perhaps doable!

Melissa said...

ps - covered buttons is totally the easiest part. :). You are also going to need a drill to make holes in the plywood for the places where the buttons are going to be placed. A large needle to thread the buttons through the hole and some seriously thick string/thread to knot onto the other side of the plywood. Also, you'll need mounting brackets for on the wall and on the plywood so that it won't fall on top of you during the night. Yes it is totally easy - the hard part is picking the right fabric!

Rachel EM said...

Fabric IS the hardest! I'm thinking of a goldenish-taupe linen? Something solid and neutral, anyway. Do you have suggestions?

PS. I knew about the drill, but that's unfortunately the problem: I DON'T HAVE ONE. There are nice headboards with no buttons, but we'll see what we end up doing. We have options.