Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Mmm, delicious!"

Too many posts in one day, I know. I just couldn't help myself! I HAD to show you these-- my textbooks for HIST 239--Ancient History of the Near East, Part II. An expensive lot, and all for one class! Much better than Part I of last semester (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Hattusa, Mitanni, and Ugarit--yuck!) this class will be studying Persia, Greece, Rome, and Byzantium. To which I say, "these are few of my favorite things." : )

Trivia: Without cheating, can you name (in order) the first 15 Emperors of Rome? ...I can. (Hee hee. I'm incorrigible!)

photo taken of books as they lay on my desk at work.


Melissa said...

seriously - to each his own. You are insane. i would fall asleep in 0.2 seconds. Love you!

Melissa said...

quit being so darn smart - it makes the rest of us feel left behind. Just kiddin - totally proud of you. Go get em! I know you can handle it.

Rachel EM said...

Um, Melissa? As long as you want to talk left behind and to each his own-- studying human anatomy? I'd rather be in a coma. SERIOUSLY. And I can't remember my six, seven, and nine times tables, let alone eleven and twelve. Math? SCREAM! RUN AWAY!

I'm lucky I love history. But you're the one who's insane--if I did what you loved in college I'd go out of my mind. :)

shelly said...

You guys go right on over my head...

Magnolia said...

love to see people like history...