Monday, June 14, 2010

Mumbled truth: the blanket of cold feet*

"Your style of writing is... indirect and confusing," a Professor told me recently. After reviewing a rough draft of my research paper with her I discovered that she graded that draft with a B-. I feel like the little girl (Maggie) on Hook-- "An F? He gave me an F!" Only in my case, I'm shocked to have gotten a B- on a piece of my research.

I am stunned and confused. My writing, which has always been "A-grade," is now poor? I keep trying to remind myself of what happened in HighSchool: Mrs. Brown repeatedly said I had a gift for writing, but Mrs. March told me I needed remedial help. My senior High School year of English I got a D- because of her (still graduated in the top 10% of my class!) but as I got an A in Freshman writing at BYU only a few months later I felt assured that the need for "remedial work" was entirely her false opinion.

But now panic and crisis swim in my eyes! While trying to finish my current paper I keep thinking that I'm going to have to scrap the whole thing and start again--but start where? How do I change my writing style completely? Indirect? But I'm a good writer, right? RIGHT?

Woe is me! I'm lost in this world! Lah-haw-hawwwwst. A once bright future now foretells naught but gloomily strumming a lyre, singing "death cometh to me."

*The sweaty-toothed mad-man has a stare that pounds my brain.

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