Thursday, October 22, 2009

Red Shoes

Here's the gist. For years I've wanted to wear ruby slippers on my wedding day. I found some shoes that I could ruby-ify, and I think they could look really cool. Trouble is, they might not look super-classy, especially with my wedding dress. Sequins don't quite mesh with lush ivory satin and lace, you know? *sigh* 

Tomorrow I'm checking out some awesome turn of the century ladies-boots that a friend of my mom and mine has, that would match my dress color,  and if they don't work out...

I'm gonna find me some RED SHOES. (No, Alicia-- not enchanted red point shoes that will force me to dance until I either repent of my sins or die of exhaustion. But you can bet that when I buy them I'll pull them out of the box and do that 1-2-3 gesture...thing...) 


Julie Wilding said...

AAAAHAHA Rachel you have a blog?! Never have I been more excited in my life! I am so glad you exist. Holy moly.

Rachel EM said...

Cha, I exist! I love you, gorgeous! I seriously love that I commented on your blog and you checked mine to see who I was. :) Sweet.

Melissa said...

I'd say go with the RED shoes. Much more of a statement than the other kind of shoes.

Alicia said...

If I were there I'd do the move right now to make you smile. :)