Friday, October 9, 2009

Cairo Museum

Entry chamber, Ancient Egyptian Museum of Cairo

I remember being so excited to visit the Cairo museum. I'd point out the window and gleefully squeal every time my class bus passed it on the freeway, and when the day finally came to go, I could hardly wait to get inside the gate.

What I expected was the typical museum: dim lighting to protect the artifacts, climatically controlled air quality, and information plaques that tell you what everything is. You know, typical museum stuff.

What it really had to offer was the largest warehouse of ancient junk in the world. Sweet-awesome, valuable junk, but still. Nothing was organized, categorized, explained, or labeled, but rather was all thrown together like a ton of random boardgame tokens. And on top of it all, fluorescent lights through the whole place, 100% humidity, 94 degree temps. (Seriously, I fear for the the papyri. They're built for desert climates, not hot moist museums.)

There was a really cool mummified crocodile though! Note the dust on top of its case--gross.


shelly said...

Love these pictures, but I think all your readers have been waiting a LONG time to see pics and stories of you and your FIANCE!! Help us out, Rachel! What are blogs for, if not to satisfy everyone else's curiosity?!

Jess~ca said...

I love how RANDOM yet informative and interesting your blog posts are!

AND YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED??!?!?!?!? I need to get on the internet more often!!!! And you need to DIVULGE all information to ;)

And I have a little favor to ask of you :)

There is a link on my page for a cutest baby contest :) It's on my friends blog "baby making machine" and I get a cute little prize if Shane wins :) He is number 13!! TELL all your friends who blog to vote for him too!!!


-Jessica Badger Flygare

Just in case, here's the link to the blog post where you can vote for Shane :)

Melissa said...

Well spoken Shelly!!! I actually just clicked to make a comment to say the exact same thing. Where's the info on you and Dylan!!!! Hello -= some of us live really far away and are in great need of filling in on the goings on....found my dress....took engagement photos......what my colors are.....what I am excited is Dylan.....all that stuff. Get crackin!!!

PS - sorry about the cairo museum. I know you were so totally excited for it and that must have been such a bummer.

Rachel EM said...

Well, see, here's the thing. Matt & Heather have all the good photos of me & Dylan, and I can't say "I'm getting married!" without a picture of us that I totally love. So. I waiteth.