Friday, September 17, 2010

Ah, Make-up! How I love thee.

It's been five days since Monday. That's five days since I've been well enough to leave the house, shower, eat, or sit up without the company of "Mr.Bowl."  This morning I finally got to scrub my disgusting hair. Yaaaaay, cleanliness! Five days has got to be a record for me, cause my hair is nasty greasy (no thanks to genes from my Dad's side). And guess what! Today I got to put on make-up. :) So nice to see my familiar face. 

Though clean, I remain at home whiling away the hours with Fablehaven and trying to eat something every hour or so. Though yesterday I could manage nothing but small sips of 7UP and a 1/4 cup of quinoa, today I swallowed Cilantro-Lime-Rice from a mex restaurant. I liiiiiive!

Yes, I refer to morning sickness. Psh! I had to visit a doctor for severe dehydration two weeks ago and it took 6 1/2 hours in his office for an IV drip to complete. Sheesh! Did you know that when you're really dehydrated your veins take extra-extra-long to absorb liquid? Jiminy, what torture. This kid had better be cute. ;)  

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