Only Japanese people would build something like this, I swear. Pretty cool though.
Anyway. I've been totally in labor-- not false labor, the REAL DEAL-- and then it slowed down. Lather, rinse, repeat: totally in labor "get yourself to the hospital now" labor... oh wait... your contractions just quit... since last Friday at midnight. My mom changed her plane ticket to get here early and now we're sitting here waiting.
I'm told this is very unusual for a first-time mom. There was no way that I should be 80% effaced and dilated to a four at 37 weeks, let alone have contractions every 2 to 3 minutes that last 2 to 3 minutes apiece, so I guess this is all unusual. Yippee.
I didn't mind waiting the full 40 weeks or even MORE for my baby; personally, I wanted him to stay inside and bake as long as possible. But now my Mom's here and the clock is ticking until she leaves, and I loathe being the "oh wait, sorry to upset everyone's life, but it stopped" girl. Ah well. At least I wasn't one of those panicked people who went to the hospital with braxton hicks-- these are, at least, real contractions.
So for now I just feel like my line is I'm going to free the genie. ...Anytime. *sigh*
Keep you posted. --R