I'm sick again. Yesterday I thought, "I'm engaged, so shouldn't I have immunity to stuff like this or something?" But then I remembered that my sister Alicia had mono while she was engaged and I decided that a head cold isn't so bad. Even if it is a really bad head cold.
You know what, though? I have the sweetest fiance*. He spent all day yesterday in my apartment so he could take care of me! I'm spoiled rotten. I'm just so blessed to have Dylan in my life. I can't help but adore him.
If you're sick and you don't have a Dylan to take care of you, or even if you do, use free these things three: orange juice, DayQuill, and Puffs.
A piping hot mug of orange juice is all the acid you need to wash gunk out of your throat. Besides that, it tastes absolutely divine. Today I'm sipping Tropicana, which is sweeter than other OJ's.
Don't forget your DayQuill. It's the reason I was conscious yesterday. And audible.
My sister Melissa is very smart. For example, everytime she's sick she purposefully buys amazing kleenex that won't destroy her nose. Since all I had around my apartment yesterday was tissue paper (not an exaggeration,) I followed her lead and bought myself some PuffsPlus. The box has roses on the front, and they mae me and my nose very happy. Tee hee.
*Mr. French-studies-major that he is taught me that a "fiancee" is a girl who is engaged and that a "fiance" is a man who is engaged. Would you believe there is a different spelling for that?