Saturday, November 13, 2010

Do I have to eat?

Is this what pregnant stick figures look like?

I've never wanted to eat food less in my entire life; I've also never wanted to eat less food in my entire life. I have to eat to avoid nausea (still, though I'm supposed to be out of the nausea stage,) but even when I do eat, I hardly ever want to. Crazy change for the girl who would eat 1/2 a cheesecake in one sitting--if given the chance.

Honestly, I don't know how people get themselves into trouble "eating for two." Every time Dylan and I go out somewhere to eat, I can stomach just 12 bites before I'm full. I've gained 1.5lbs in what tomorrow will be 17 weeks of pregnancy (the average by now is 6lbs). More than that, I just NEVER WANT TO EAT. Nothing sounds good. Nothing satisfies. Eating is just another chore.

At least I'm still looking forward to Thanksgiving. 


Alicia said...

Maybe your a lucky one who gains less than the suggested amount of weight and still remains healthy and gives the baby enough nutrients. :)

Maybe you'll feel ravishingly hungry while you're nursing.

Rachel EM said...

Gains less than average? With our genetics? Yeah-- THAT'S likely. I think it'll all just hit later.

It remains to be seen. I guess we'll find out!